[電影] 公平遊戲、不公平的戰爭 Fair Game




CIA指派前駐尼日大使Joseph Wilson,前往尼日調查與伊拉克的WMD(weapon of mass destruction)買賣,但發現並沒有任何證據顯示有WMD買賣的事實。




How many of you know who put the 16 words in the State of the Union address?
How many of you know my wife's name?
How do you know one and not the other?
How did the question move from why are we going to war to who is that man's wife?
I asked the first question. But somebody else asked the second. It worked.
Because we still don't know the truth.

The offense wasn't committed against me. It was not committed against my wife...
It was committed against you.
All of you.
If that makes you angry.
Or feel misrepresented.
Do something about it.

When Benjamin Franklin left the Independence Hall just after the second drafting,
He was approached by a women on the street.
The woman said, "Mr.Franklin, what manner of government have you bequeathed us?"
And Franklin said "A Republic, madam. If you can keep it."

The responsibilty of a country
Is not in the hands of a privileged few.
We are strong and we are free from tyranny
only as long as each one of us remember,
his or her duty as a citizen.

Whether its a pothole at the end of your street
or a lie in the State of the Union Address..
Speak up. Ask those questions.
Demand that truth.
Democracy is not a free ride...

[WiKi] Fair Game (2010 film)