[電影] 功夫夢 經典對白 The Karate Kid

Kung Fu is not fight, it's about
making peace with your enemy.

Mom: So, um, how many students do you have?
Maintenance Man: Including Shao Dre?
Mom: Yeah.
Maintenance Man: One.

Kung Fu lives in everything we do, Shao Dre.
It lives in how we put on a jacket, and how we take off the jacket.
It lives in how we treat people.
Everything is Kung Fu.

Dre: So, what we are learning today?
Maintenance Man: Chi.
Eternal Energy.
The essence of life.
It moves inside of us, flows through our bodies.
Give us power from within.
Dre: I get it, like the "Force" from Star Wars.
You're Yoda,
and I'm like... I'm like a Jedi.

Maintenance Man: You did not watch closely enough, Shao Dre.
The snake was copying the woman.
That woman was sliced through water
quiet and calm.
In here and in here.
So, the snake reflects her action,
like still water.
Dre: Like a mirror?
Maintenance Man: Yes.
Dre: So, she controlled a snake by doing nothing?
Maintenance Man: Being still and doing nothing,
are two very different things.

Maintenance Man: Shao Dre, we are not training tomorrow.
Dre: Why not?
Maintenance Man: Wu chi pi fan 物極必反
Dre: Wu chi pi fan?
Maintenance Man: It means: "Too much of something is not good."
You train a lot, you need to rest.

Dre: My name is Dre Parker.
My actions have brought dishonor to your family.
Your daughter has been a great friend to me.
And from her I have learned...
...that a true friend...
...is a person
who makes your life better.
But, if you give me a second chance...
...I promise that I will be...
...the best friend your
daughter has ever had.
That's it.
Ying's Father:
My daughter told me that she made
a promise to be at your tournament.
In our family,
we do not break our promises.
Good luck!

Maintenance Man: You don't need to fight anymore.
You have proven everything you need to prove.
Dre: What, that I can get
beat up easy, and then quit?
That's not balance,
that's not real Kung Fu.
You said, when life knocks you down,
you could choose whether or not to get back up.
Well, I'm tryin' to get back up.
And why won't you help me?
Maintenance Man: Just tell me, Shao Dre. Why?
Why you need to go back out there so badly?
Dre: Because I'm still scared.
No matter what happens tonight
when I leave...
...I don't want to be scared anymore.

維基百科: 功夫夢 The Karate Kid