[電影] 鋼鐵人2 - 發人深省的一段情節 Iron Man 2

雖然 80% 的劇情實在滿胡閙的,且前 80% 節奏不夠緊湊,不過裡面有一小段情節的最後一句話還滿感人且發人深省的:

Howard Stark (Tony Stark's father): Tony, you're too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you.

[Howard gestures to his model city -- in fact, it represent the atomic structure of a new chemical element]

Howard Stark: I built this for you. And some day you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than people's inventions

Howard Stark: It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is, and always will be, my greatest creation... is *you*.

"my greatest creation" 讓我們思考到: 我們能為人類作出什麼貢獻?

"my greatest creation is *you*" 讓我們思考到: 我們如何教養子女,使得能為人類作出貢獻?

"creation" 也讓我們聯想到 Stephen Covey 在 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 談到的前 3 個 habits:
Habit 1 - Be Proactive: you're the creator. 
Habit 2 - Begin with the end in mind: the first / mental creation. 
Habit 3 - Put First Things First: the second / physical creation.

(圖片來源: 維基百科)

真實世界的鋼鐵人: Elon Musk

Elon Musk 被喻為真實世界的鋼鐵人,他曾經在 Stanford 攻讀應用物理及材料科學博士,他在 1999 年 3 月創辦了 PayPal (當時稱為 X.com),後來陸續創辦了 SolarCity、Tesla Motors、SpaceX;其中 SolarCity 是美國最大的太陽能電力系統供應商;Telsa Motors 設計及製造電動車,是全球第一家成功量產電動車的公司;SpaceX 研究火箭科學志在探索太空,目標在 10-20 年內把人類送上火星,是史上第一家成功發射火箭並與國際太空站接軌的私人機構。

有趣的是,Elon Musk 本人客串了《鋼鐵人2》的演出,飾演他自己,在這一段

Pepper Potts: Mr. Musk. How are you?

Elon Musk: Hi, Pepper. Congratulations on the promotion.

Pepper Potts: Thank you very much.

Tony Stark: Elon, how's it going? Those Merlin engines are fantastic.

Elon Musk: Thank you. Yeah, I have got an idea for an electric jet.

Tony Stark: You do?

Elon Musk: Yeah.

而 Hammer's factory 實際上就是在 SpaceX 的工廠裡取景拍攝。

(圖片來源: 維基百科)


[閱讀筆記] 高效能人士的七個習慣、與成功有約 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

[Wikipedia] Elon Musk