她最大的特色是把大自然的聲音, 如轟隆隆的雷聲, 雨聲, 清脆悅耳的鳥啼聲... 融入音樂裡. 也穿插了幾個特別的樂器:蘇格蘭風笛(goldfinch),大揚琴(dulcimar), 塔布拉鼓(Arabic tabla). 聽起來感覺很明亮舒服, 對於【四季】有著全新的感受.
Honoring the spirit and intent of these timeless concertos, this impeccable classical performance is complemented by the natural sounds and folk styles that inspired the original score. Goldfinches and thunder, highland pipes, dulcimar and Arabic tabla combine with masterful strings in an exiciting tribute to the creativity inspired by nature's magnificence.