
因緣際會使得裝著 CPH4 的袋子在 Lucy (露西) (由 Scarlett Johansson 飾演) 腹腔破裂, Luck 吸收了大量 CPH4 之後, 大幅提升大腦運作效能.
一般人只能運用 10% 的大腦, Lucy 則逐漸能夠使用到 100% 的大腦.
Lucy 經歷的狀態及開發的能力和佛法修行者所經歷的狀態及開發的能力有若干相似之處, 以下將逐一加以說明.
這部電影在劇情有許多不合理之處, 本文並非探討劇情的合理性, 而是談其中一些發人深省的對白及有趣的狀態.
Life was given to us a billion years ago. What have we done with it?
Surgeon: Pregnant women manufacture CPH4 in their sixth week of pregnancy — in tiny quantities.
For a baby, it packs the power of an atomic bomb.
It's what gives the fetus the necessary energy to form all the bones in its body.
I'd heard they were trying to make a synthetic version of it — didn't realize they'd succeeded.
If it really is CPH4, in this quantity, I'm amazed you're still alive.
Lucy: Not for long.
Lucy 打電話給母親:
I feel everything.
Space, the air, the vibrations, the people.
I can feel the gravity.
I can feel the rotation of the Earth, the heat leaving my body, the blood in my veins.
I can feel my brain. The deepest parts of my memory.
[Murphy] 行者打坐及修行身念處時, 各種感官及知覺的敏銳度都會放大許多倍.
舉筆者自身粗淺的經驗來說, 洗澡後打坐時, 水滴在耳朵內部流動時, 觸動到的每一根耳朵內的毛髮, 都可清楚感受, 並且產生相當巨大的痛覺感受.
另外, 打坐時, 身心未止息時, 筆者的經驗是常常會有不錯的點子冒出來.
Lucy 把刀子插入韓國黑幫老大手背.
Learning's always a painful process.
Like when you're little and your bones are growing and you ache all over.
Do you believe I can remember the sound of my own bones growing? Like this grinding under the skin.
Everything's different now. Like sounds are music that I can understand, like fluids.
It's funny, I used to be so concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be, and now that I have access to the furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize that what makes us "us" — it's primitive.
They're all obstacles. Does that make any sense?
[Murphy] Lucy 開始認知到自我的本質, 以及我執導致的障礙.
自我不過是依身心和合相續的一種現象, 而假名施設. (參閱: 辨析「我」、「無我」 )
意識不過就像是擁有皮質的感覺. (參閱: [閱讀筆記] 創智慧 - 從新皮質的結構,說明智慧如何運作)
Like this pain you're experiencing. It's blocking you from understanding. All you know now is pain. That's all you know, pain.
[Murphy] 一般人遇境 (例如受傷) 會感到苦, 解脫的聖者 (透過修行 hack 大腦而認知世界的本質) 也會感受到苦, 凡夫的苦和解脫的聖者的苦有什麼差別呢?
一般人感到苦之後 (第一支毒箭, 生理的苦), 會引發後續的煩惱 (第二支毒箭, 心理的苦), 導致後續更多的苦, 並且因情緒反應而無法如實對境作適當的處理; 而解脫的聖者感到苦之後, 因為沒有執著, 不會再引發後續的煩惱, 而能夠自在地如實對境作適當的處理. (參閱: 雜阿含 470 經)
修行身念處的行者, 因此較能夠坦然面對身苦, 而較不會因為身苦而引發後續的心苦, 甚至使得心苦影響各種判斷, 導致更多的負面影響.
修行受念處的行者, 因此較能夠坦然面對情緒反應, 並且當下即時辨識情緒反應, 即時解脫於情緒反應, 而不受制約, 而能夠更自在更理性地妥善處理問題 (具有較高的 EQ).
接著 Lucy 雙手按住韓國黑幫老大的大腦, 取得其中的視覺影像, 找出被迫運送 CPH4 的其他人.
Lucy 對研究大腦的 Professor Norman 說明自己的狀態.
I can control my metabolism (新陳代謝).
[Murphy] 修習安那般那念 (打坐) 的行者, 會增強對於新陳代謝及心跳的控制. (參考: Meditation Balances the Body's Systems)
I can start to control other peoples bodies. Also I can control magnetic and electric waves, and — not all of them, just the most basic — television, telephone, radio.
I don't feel pain, fear, desire.
[Murphy] 解脫的聖者同樣解脫於苦, 並且不再受欲望所驅駛.
It's like all things that make us human are fading away.
It's like the less human I feel, all this knowledge about everything, quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of the cell's nucleus, they're all exploding inside my brain.
All this knowledge. I don't know what to do with it.
Lucy 在飛往巴黎的飛機上, 發現自己的身體逐漸崩解.
[Murphy] 行者在初禪狀態, 會進行欲界之四大極微與色界之四大極微轉換. (參閱: 四禪定).
Lucy 為了趕時間, 在巴黎街道上疾速行駛.
Rio: I don't want to die.
Lucy: We never really die.
[Murphy] 死亡僅是轉換存在的形式, 根據業力, 再度投生於六道之一. 只有解脫的聖者能夠跳脫輪迴, 進入涅槃狀態.
Lucy 在巴黎大學的實驗室和 Professor Norman 及其他教授們碰面,Lucy 為教授們說明物質與時間的本質。
Every cell knows and talks to every other cell.
They exchange a thousand bits of information between themselves per second.
Cells join together forming a joint web of communication, which in turn forms matter.
Cells get together, take on one form, deform, reform — makes no difference, they're all the same.
此時 Lucy 把一隻手掌變幻為二 (如果 盧貝松 Luc Besson 寫劇本時找我出點子, 我會建議考慮讓 Lucy 把兩隻手臂變幻為多隻手臂, 向千手千眼觀世音菩薩致敬 ^^)
[Murphy] 修習禪思的行者, 亦能夠成就神通力, 任意變化物質, 點石成金.
雜阿含 494 經: 禪思得神通力,自在如意,欲令枯樹成金,即時成金不異,及餘種種諸物,悉成不異。所以者何?以彼枯樹有種種界故。
Humans consider themselves unique, so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness.
"One" is their unit of "measure" — but its not.
All social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch: "one plus one equals two", that's all we've learned, but one plus one has never equaled two — there are in fact no numbers and no letters, we've codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale.
Time is the only true unit of measure, it gives proof to the existence of matter, without time, we don’t exist.
[Murphy] 佛陀則告訴我們,我們認知的我, break down 由五蘊/六入處組成, 但五蘊/六入處深入觀察之後, 會發現是因緣所生, 因緣所滅, 是無常的, 也就是說, 背後並沒有一個 "我" 能夠主宰這一切, 也就是非我的, 我們認知的我, 本質上是不存在的. 我們受到 "我" 這個觀念以及欲望的束縛及制約, 因此無法真正認識這個世界, 也因此經常受苦.
雜阿含第 9 經: 色無常,無常即苦,苦即非我,非我者亦非我所。如是觀者,名真實正觀。如是受、想、行、識無常,無常即苦,苦即非我,非我者亦非我所。如是觀者,名真實正觀。
接著 Lucy travel 於時空之中, 見了史上第一位人猿 Lucy, 也見到了恐龍及宇宙.
[Murphy] 行者修習四念處, 可得天眼通, 天眼可以突破時空限制, 看到不同時間 (過去、現在、未來) 及空間的現象.
雜阿含 539 經: 如是,尊者阿難,我於此四念處修習多修習,少方便,以淨天眼過天、人眼,見諸眾生,死時、生時,好色、惡色,上色、下色,善趣、惡趣,隨業受生,皆如實見。
接著, Lucy 製作出一部超級電腦, 把她的 knowledge 儲存於 USB drive.
[Murphy] 若佛陀在當今的時代住世, 不曉得佛陀是否會或會如何利用高科技來幫助人們開悟. ^^
或許可發展出一些設備, 幫助人們進入定境.
當韓國黑幫老大開槍射向進入定境中的 Lucy 時, Lucy 同時也消失了. (進入涅槃狀態)
Lucy 消失後, 法國警探 Del Rio 詢問 Professor Norman Lucy 的去處, 瞬間 Rio 的手機收到一則訊息:
[Murphy] 在電影 The Matrix Revolutions 中 Neo 解脫於 Matrix 時, 亦達到同樣的狀態 (I'm everywhere).
解脫的聖者達到涅槃狀態時, 那樣的境界已經是文字無法描述, 因為文字是大腦運作的產物, 但該狀態是超越大腦所能認知的. (老子: 道可道, 非常道.)
Life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what to do with it!
[書籍] 禪與腦 - 開悟如何改變大腦的運作
MUSE - 頭戴式腦波量測裝置,訓練大腦進入冷靜及專注的狀態
[Scientific American] What Does Mindfulness Meditation Do to Your Brain? - "Now, as the popularity of mindfulness grows, brain imaging techniques are revealing that this ancient practice can profoundly change the way different regions of the brain communicate with each other – and therefore how we think – permanently... the pre-frontal cortex – associated with higher order brain functions such as awareness, concentration and decision-making – becomes thicker."
[Wikiquote] Lucy (2014 film)
[Wiki] Lucy (2014 film)